Illustrator and Assistant Editor


I enjoy collaborating with writers and designers to create thoughtful and accurate works that will translate ideas and technical information clearly and  with a bit of artistry. My favorite medias includes pencil, pen and ink, and water color.

Smith Residence

Smith Residence

Kitchen cabinet layout with measurements including appliances for a mid-century post and beam restoration. The Illustration also stresses the importance of horizontal wood grain which was included in the original design of the home.

Smith Residence

Smith Residence

Island cabinet layout and measurements with view of both sides of the finished galley kitchen.

Swanson Residence

Swanson Residence

Kitchen layout to aid in the design plans for a mid-century beach home. The drawings show the original kitchen and the layout that the owner needed.

Swanson Residence

Swanson Residence

Master bathroom layout and measurement changes to aid in design. Due to the original bathroom’s limited size and space, fitting conventional sized fixtures was very challenging.